Brené Brown: En écoutant la Honte

A response to the La méthode de prise de note Cornell Activity
created by Rachel Leeder Pollmann (@leed6097)

Number of views: 52

J’ai fait mes notes de Cornell en anglais parce que j’ai regardé une vidéo anglaise. J’ai trouvé les notes Cornell très utiles parce qu’elles ont permis pour moi de non seulement faire les notes, mais aussi de les revisiter. Le sommaire à la fin est en français.

Les indices / les points clés

Les notes

Vulnerability was essential to Brené Brown’s research when researching Shame as they are connected.

Vulnerability is not weakness, but we see it as weakness for ourselves, and we see it as courageous for others

Big companies only wanted her to discuss innovation, creativity and change but they didn’t realize that these all come from vulnerability.

People related to her and praised her for her vulnerability

Shame is the swampland of the soul and we need to walk in and around the swamp in order to get through it.

The critic laughing at us the majority of the time is us.

Shame is based on ourselves, guilt is based on behaviour.

Shame is an epidemic and empathy is the antidote to vulnerability

Vulnerability hangover and didn’t leave house for 3 days until she met a friend

Told 500 people she became a researcher to become vulnerability but then she realized vulnerability was essential to her research and she had a breakdown

Fears 700 people will see the video on YouTube – she feared her life was over but it got 4 million views and her life ended but she learned that she was working hard to stay small and under the radar before.

Vulnerability is not weakness

People associate their own vulnerability with weakness but others with courage.

Our most accurate measurement of courage – to be vulnerable, be seen and be honest

After this vulnerability she was asked to come to so many places but they said they would appreciate it if she didn’t mention vulnerability and shame…

Innovation, creativity and change is all big companies want her to talk about, but vulnerability is the birth place of all these

We have to talk about shame to talk about vulnerability

It was a spiritual awakening… is her excuse for the breakdown but then she realized that the lady related to it: we are falling apart and it feels fantastic

Cardinal moral rule and imperative – gotta dance with the one who brung ya – learned about vulnerability from studying shame

Shame is the swampland of the soul – we walk in and walk through and find out way around

We cannot have a race convo without shame and privilege talk

secret about ted: sometimes you have to try 32 times to get things right – TED is failure complex – few people are afraid to fail.

rooseveldt quote – man in the arena.

it is the person in the arena where the credit goes

Shame is the gremlin who tries to stop you from being courage

The critic laughing at us the majority of the time is US

shame is on self, guilt is behaviour

Im sorry i made a mistake vs im sorry I am a mistake

Shame is organized by gender.

Feels the same but for woman it is do it all and do it perfectly and never let you see them sweat

For men it is – do not be perceived as weak

She didn’t study men for the first 4 years

Then a man told her that woman are harder on her than anyone else

shame is an epidemic

Empathy is the anticdote to shame

vulnerability is the path to get back to each other

Le sommaire

Le sommaire est que la vulnérabilité est quelque chose d’essentiel dans nos vies et dans la recherche de Brené Brown. La vulnérabilité est liée à la honte. Nous voyons la vulnérabilité comme une faiblesse, mais en fait ce n’est pas le fait. En fait, quand les autres sont vulnérables, nous les voyons comme courageux. Les grandes entreprises ne veulent pas entendre de la vulnérabilité, mais la vulnérabilité est quelque chose de nécessaire pour créer les idées nouvelles et uniques. La honte est comme la région marécageuse de nos âmes et il faut que nous soyons vulnérables afin de s’en sortir. Nous sommes notre propre critique la plupart du temps et la vulnérabilité et la honte vont main dans la main. Nous ne pouvons pas conquérir l’une sans l’autre.

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