Thought Vectors and Nuggets on Feedback

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Rebecca Sullivan (@rsulli4)

Number of views: 259

I chose the patch 14: the feedback loop de loop. The quote that resonated with me is: “How might we better encourage our students to accept feedback not as a static representation through a ‘grade’, but as an evolving conversation between instructor and student about the student’s work and ways in which a student might advance their skills – over time?”

I find this practice very rewarding when using it in the classroom since many students are trained to think of feedback as a negative thing. We, as educators, need to work on retraining student to think about feedback as a constructive and helpful tool on ways to enhance their learning and growth. We also need to work on allow students to show us how they can grow using the feedback we provide. We can allow students to showcase their work and assignments in some way after they have adjusted and fixed up their work based on both peer and educator feedback.


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