Kahoot use for increased engagement

A response to the Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool Activity
created by Ana Maria Peric (@anamaria.peric)

Number of views: 213

Enter your “Students” response:
The Kahoot software will be accessible to students, because it only requires access to a computer and internet, which most students have. Students will be supported because the institution will be providing the access to this tool, and it is very easy to use. If students have any issues understanding the platform, we will provide question and answer sessions, during which they can voice any concerns, and they will be addressed by faculty.

Enter your “Ease of Use” response
It is a very intuitive tool, however we do have a range of ages in our program, and some may find it more challenging to use than others. We will provide extra assistance to those who require it.

Enter your “Cost” response
It will be developed by the faculty in order to suit and customize it to the needs of our students. The institution does have funds for innovation in programs, and we will have to make a case for the use of this interactive tool. A business proposal will have to be made by the faculty to justify its use.

Your Teaching and Pedagogical Considerations response:
The use of this technology will support the desired outcomes which are: more student interaction, making learning more fun and engaging, and adding some synchronous activities to further student engagement with one another and faculty.

Your “Interaction” response:
An important skill we try to help teach students is interprofessional development and communication. This involves communicating more with peers, and eventually colleagues out in the field. Adding more synchronos activities, and group work will help facilitate this skill strengthening.

Your “Organisational Issues” response:
Our institution is a very big proponent of innovation, and supporting learning in new and creative ways. I believe we will be encouraged to try something new such as implementing this tool, and it will be seen as innovative, current and valuable to student learning.

Your “Networking” response:
The content that will be discussed and used by the students in this tool will be primarily only for their use, and not for others outside this program. Therefore, sharing will not be a parameter assesssed for our selection of this tool.

Your Security and Privacy response:
All student information is required to be kept private. We will also keep answers anonymous, however, in group settings students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas with one another. I do not see any risks associated with the use of this tool, when it comes to privacy.

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