Patch 3: Sheets Ain’t Cheats

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Trish Morrow (@tmorrow)

Number of views: 152

…are they REALLY learning? Memorization is not a measure of understanding.

This is something I have struggled with throughout my teaching career.  It has taken several years for me to overcome my postsecondary learning experiences and accept that we need to change.  Allowing students the opportunity to create a “study sheet” that can be used during testing has increased knowledge retention in my experience. I started using this practice in the last couple years and it is amazing the additional ‘study’ time students put in before a test simply to create the most comprehensive study aid.  My next step in this journey will be discuss how to create the most effective study reference with students, to help guide those who are not sure what to put on their study aid.

Example for "Patch 3: Sheets Ain’t Cheats":