Patch 21 – Just Listen

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Daun Costa (@dacosta)

Number of views: 110

The patch, Just Listen, immediately brought to mind my last course and a group of learners. This passage “The goal is not for the student to mimic your explanation; the goal is for the student to arrive at their accurate explanation.” is similar to other adages I have read and resonated with me the most.

People retain best what they can identify, visualize, and relate to; when the class can share their personal experiences relating to a topic or concept we are learning in class (styles of leadership) they grasp the concepts faster and can apply them in other scenarios better.

My last class had learners who had not yet had any work experience and a couple of folks who were in late-stage career planning and looking to change disciplines as they prepared for retirement. We would have many class discussions and share personal experiences and scenarios to provide relevant examples from peers which was especially helpful for folks with less on-the-job experience. This allowed learners to draw their own conclusions or clarify definitions of key concepts for themselves in their own words in a way that my lecturing them only would not have provided.

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