Activity 1 – Misunderstood

A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Rena Gandham (@rgandham)

Number of views: 120


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Some students have difficulties understanding and applying’s the College’s Academic Integrity Policy. The concept of ensuring students submit their original work with proper citations and references can be challenging, especially when this policy is new to students, or it has not been enforced in their prior education environment.

The analogy I use intellectual theft, stealing someone’s work and claiming it as your own. Imagine you spend significant time researching to write an article or a book to pay your bills and take care your family, and someone claims your work as their own. How would you feel? This is why it is imperative to acknowledge someone’s ideas and work by providing proper citations and references.

To ensure understanding of Academic Integrity Policy I do the following at the beginning of each semester:

  • Define Academic Integrity Policy (provide link and review the college’s website on the policy)
  • Define and discuss the types of Academic Incidents and consequences: Plagiarism, cheating, unauthorized collaboration, misrepresentation, copyright infringement, aiding, abetting and unscholarly behaviour and academic misconduct
  • Discuss APA style/format
  • Provide examples of proper paper with citations and references – visuals
  • Discuss the Turnitin features
  • Provide students opportunities to apply the learning – short answer questions and M/C to ensure understanding and compliance with the policy

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