Sarah Darling’s Ideate Padlet

A response to the Learner Challenge Take 2 Activity
created by Sarah Darling (@SDarling)

Number of views: 264

Enter your “Students” response:

The technology I chose is the website:
It allows students to receive instant feedback on their pausing and word stress.

1. Yes, all my students are now online, so they would have access to the website, “Voice Recorder”

2. Students will likely not receive institutional support for this technology.

3. Yes, it is accessible wherever they have internet technology.

4. Students would need to know how to cut and paste into a browser or how to click a provided link.

5. There is no purchase cost.

Enter your “Ease of Use” response

  1. It is intuitive, with only a few options of buttons to press. I believe students will be able to use proficiently after only a few minutes of learning time.2. I have not had reliability issues with it.

    3. I can’t comment on its stability. There is no ‘save’ feature – it is only a learning aid in the moment to give immediate feedback. Any improvements would have to be noted by the learner.

    4. There is a “report a problem” button.

Enter your “Cost” response

  1. No, there is no set up time.2. n/a

    3. Our wonderful colleagues in Teaching and Learning may be able to assist if needed, but I’m not certain.

    4. I’m not sure about OERs.

Your Teaching and Pedagogical Considerations response:

  1. Yes, I would love for my students to have feedback on their word stress and pausing that does not need to come from one-on-one time with me (which is unfortunately, but necessarily, limited).2. It presents both pauses and stress in a visual way. This would allow learners to not only hear their stress and pauses, but see them.

Your “Interaction” response:

  1. This app was not designed to facilitate interactions. Students can of course record themselves with the app (which is its intended purpose) and send it to whomever they choose. I could also record set phrases as a model so that students could compare the visuals.2. Currently students are reliant on my feedback for information about the accuracy of their pausing and stress. This would be a great help for Ss to become more independent and take responsibility for checking stress and pausing.

Your “Organisational Issues” response:

  1. My institution frequently offers training and suggestions of helpful learning apps. This is a more specialized app that only a few teachers in the college would find of interest.2. This wouldn’t be necessary, but no, I don’t believe so.

    3. I think I would be encouraged to try something new as our college is facilitating the Technologist badge.

Your “Networking” response:

  1. This is a limitation of this app. It would not enable learners to interact directly. However, theoretically, it should allow learners to become more comprehensible verbal communicators. This would of course enable learners to network more easily.2. It does not support social media sharing, however, if a learner wanted to upload their recordings, they could do so.

Your Security and Privacy response:

1. There is no registration, so I believe that student information would be private and secure. The privacy policy on 123Apps website indicates:
– they delete data after 12 hours
– non-personally identifiable information and data is used only to provide the service.
– the app claims they “do not monitor or access the Data provided by you.”

2. I believe using this technology would follow any privacy guidelines.

3. Yes, my students need learning, feedback and tailored advice on their pronunciation difficulties. There are a few other apps that can provide this, but Voice Recorder gives an instant visual representation that I think will benefit my learners

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