
A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Baljeet Bilkhu (@bbilkhu)

Number of views: 444

I find that students are misunderstanding the way in which to properly document unit test cases for a software testing course that I normally teach.  I show students the proper way on how to document their test cases through slides as well as videos, but there is always a large portion of students still don’t perform the naming in the proper way.

I then started breaking out this concept in way to make it a bit more easier for the students by having the following steps laid out for them:

  • (a) copy the name of the function, class, method that is being tested;
  • (b) append an underscore and then list the input values to be used for that test;
  • (c) append another underscore and then list the output values.

By laying this out a lot clearer and in a “recipe” format, I found that students were acquiring this concept with a lot more success.


Example for "Misunderstood":