Thought Vectors and Nuggets – Vulnerability & Self-Care

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Jennifer Shelswell (@Jennifer.Shelswell)

Number of views: 264

The nugget that really struck me was the last quote from patch 38 that stated, “We will love ourselves despite the ease with which we might lean towards the opposite.” I teach in the Early Childhood Education department, and many of my students struggle with self-care. Our profession is centered around taking care of the children in our care, and we will often put ourselves last. I am a strong advocate for mental health and well-being, and I promote this with my students as well. I remind my students that in order for them to be healthy for the children they are caring for, they need to put themselves first. This does not come easy for people in the childcare profession, as we are taught that the children are our number one priority, However, we cannot be there fully for the children unless we are first there for ourselves. We need to love yourselves, be kind to ourselves, and accept ourselves for all of our imperfections.

One Response to “Thought Vectors and Nuggets – Vulnerability & Self-Care”

  1. Marsha Appling-Nunez

    Grace is the word that comes to mind when I think of self-care and your response parallels that. We need to give ourselves the same grace we give our students, colleagues, and parents. Nice reflection.


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