Meaningful Nugget

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Darby Anderson (@danderson)

Number of views: 182

I was inspired by Patch Twenty-One:  Just Listen.  The article was longer than anticipated, but it was full of meaningful ‘learning’ nuggets.  The author is a teacher in the physical sciences, but the words of wisdom can be adaptable to any field.  I selected one section of particular interest to focus my post on – Listening to Students (explain the science).  The author made a couple of key points that resonated with my background in the social sciences (not-for-profit) field.  1) The goal is for students to arrive at their own accurate explanation, not to simply mimic the professors.  This does not happen without intention. 2) Listening to students in the moment.  Feedback is useful in the moment in dialogue with the student, where you say as little as possible and put the student in position to say the most. 3) Allowing student to draw their own conclusions from their own observations, when planned with deliberate emphasis on student voice.

Many years ago when I worked with marginalized clients who had been unemployed for extended periods of time (months to years), I learned the importance of listening, particularly to a population who are often over-looked and never heard.  I had to learn to listen from a ‘point of curiousity’.  I wanted so badly to jump in and solve their problems…because in my mind, I knew so much more than they did – I was the expert.  I was NOT the expert.  I had to learn to give them ownership of their problems and the solving of those problems.  To sit, listen, reflect and allow them to draw their own conclusion.  I have worked with students for the past 10 years, and I try to continue to listen from a ‘point of curiousity’, allowing them to direct the conversation, and eventually draw their own conclusions.  A guide on the side.

Example for "Meaningful Nugget":

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