Priyanka_Sharma_Evaluate a Tool

A response to the Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool Activity
created by Priyanka Sharma (@priyanka.sharma)

Number of views: 129

Enter your “Students” response:

Do students have access to the chosen technology?

How will students be supported by the institution in their use of the technology?
By professors
Remote labs

Will students have access to this technology whether they are at school, home or work?

What digital skills would students need to have to use the technology?
Accessing tools and applications

If students are expected to purchase the technology, are you able to provide a teaching experience that justifies this expense?
We don’t recommend students purchasing technology, apart from their laptops

Enter your “Ease of Use” response

E = Ease of Use

Consider these questions, adapted from Teaching in a Digital Age, around the ease of use with your chosen technology:

How intuitively easy to use is the technology?
very easy

How reliable and how easy it is to maintain?
more reliable
Is the provider of the technology stable?
yes, stable
What contingency plans would you need to consider to ensure any digital teaching
materials you create are not lost if the provider ceases to exist?
Is there any technical support available?
plenty supports at the campus

Enter your “Cost” response

Consider these questions, adapted from
Teaching in a Digital Age, around the costs
associated with your chosen technology:

Will use of the technology (or creation of media) take time to develop? Can you do it quicky and easily?
it depends, and varies

Does your institution have any funding available for innovative use of technologies in teaching?
Can you get any instructional design or digital media professional support from your institution?

What Open Educational Resources (OER) could be used to support your teaching and use of technology?
LDS team at the campus

Your Teaching and Pedagogical Considerations response:

T = Teaching and other Pedagogical Factors

Consider these questions, adapted from Teaching in a Digital Age, around your teaching approach and any other pedagogical factors with our chosen technology:

Does the use of this technology support the desired learning outcomes?

What unique pedagogical characteristics does this technology represent for your teaching and learning in terms of content presentation and skill development?
Ability to demonstrate learning in technical courses with the sound empathy as well

Your “Interaction” response:

I = Interaction

Consider the questions from Teaching in a Digital Age, around your interaction level with your chosen technology:

Does the technology facilitate any interactions that might be useful in terms of the skills you are trying to develop?
Does the technology effectively support a good balance of instructor interaction time and student comprehension/skills development?

Your “Organisational Issues” response:

O = Organisational Issues

Consider these questions, adapted from
Teaching in a Digital Age, around organisational
issues associated with your chosen technology:

What help does your institution provide in choosing and using technology for teaching? Is it valuable, accessible and current?
Yes, we have the Learning Development Systems Team

Would your institution provide release time for a term and/or other resource support to help you in your technology-enabled design plans?

To what extent will you have to follow ‘standard’ technologies, practices and procedures, such as using a learning management system, or lecture capture system, or will you be encouraged and supported to try something new?
We are often encouraged to try something new

Your “Networking” response:

N = Networking

Consider the questions from Teaching in a Digital Age around networking abilities of your chosen technology:

How important is it to enable learners to network with others beyond the course? Does the technology support this?
Its very important to enable learners, and yes technology support this

If this is important, does the technology support appropriate social media sharing and collaboration?
Yes, it does

Your Security and Privacy response:

S = Security and Privacy

Consider these questions, adapted from
Teaching in a Digital Age, around the
security and privacy of your chosen technology:

What student information are you obliged to keep private and secure? What are your institution’s policies on this?
confidential information like marks or other personal health issues. Yes, we have policies

What is the risk that by using a particular technology my institution’s policies concerning privacy could easily be breached? Who in my institution could advise you on this?
We have cyber security professionals in our institution

Are there any areas of teaching and learning that you need to make available only to students registered in you course? Which technologies will best allow you to do this?

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