A Serious Use For Silly Media_Cheating and Plagiarizing part 2:)

A response to the A Serious Use For Silly Media Activity
created by Tatiana Sharipova (@note2tatiana)

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I have been inspired to do an activity around plagiarism and cheating/ copying on the exams, since it continues to be an issue around students especially those who are new to Western academic standards. In the resend study conducted by an OISE Professor, it has been scientifically proven that a simple reminder prior an assignment/ test has a huge impact. New OISE-led studies reveal a simple, yet effective, strategy to combat academic dishonesty | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (utoronto.ca).  I have chosen an image as a medium to convey this message since it is easier to incorporate such format in the Blackboard, post on the PPT , share on ZOOM (if the class is held online). I also believe an image, especially the one that is emotionally/ culturally/age related brings more attention.    I wanted the image to be funny and at the same time reflect the Gez Z culture, therefore the theme has been chosen from Futurama show.

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