Are those used books and DVDs taking up space or

A response to the Your Definition Is This Activity
created by Danny Smith (@ProfessorDannyS)

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Content curation to me is like managing contents in my home. From a contextual perspective, it’s important to know that I live in a stacked townhouse (i.e., people live below me) in downtown Toronto and so I don’t have a lot of space for clutter and random junk. I evaluate everything that comes into my house.  It’s gotta be purposeful or it won’t make the cut.

Below are some of the questions I use to evaluate items coming in and out of my home.  I think they help with content curation too.

Evaluation criteria coming in:

  • Is this item worthy to be in my house?
  • What value does it bring?
  • How much space does this item take up and am I willing to give up space for it?
  • Can I access this item easily?
  • Do I understand the context in which it will be used

Evaluation criteria for staying in:

  • Is this item still relevant?
  • When was the last time it was it used?
  • Does it still bring value to me and my home?
  • Should it be replaced?
  • Is it time for it to go?



Example for "Are those used books and DVDs taking up space or":