Diana Degan Mapping My PLN

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Diana Degan (@dianadegan)

Number of views: 467

I used a mind map to create my PLN. I plopped me in the middle teaching Marketing Communications courses which include Marketing and Public Relations. With that, I am blended my professional and my teaching lives and networks nicely. I have my industry associations in the top left-hand corner with hundreds more contacts that spill out from that as I sit on award show judging panels internationally. In the bottom left corner are several business colleagues who are also connected through my association, so I show that through the coloured dotted lines. Top right-hand corner are my new Conestoga College colleagues through Tech for Teaching and Ontario Extend, and I have more that can spinoff from there. Towards the bottom are two industry gurus, one I know through my industry association and one I don’t, both I follow on Twitter.