Google Earth to support Case Study
I do a case-study on road reconstruction in Fond-du-Lac, Minnesota. It’s difficult for the students to picture where this is and the impact. I used Google Earth to review the location and will incorporate this into my next case study review with students.
This will allow for a better understanding of the case, and make it more interesting for them as well.
Example for "Google Earth to support Case Study":,+Cloquet,+Carlton,+Minnesota,+USA/@46.72577204,-92.51560711,384.32335792a,14775.90872106d,35y,-70.85809724h,47.56862017t,0r/data=CpwBGnISbAolMHg1MmFlMmJlNWNhOTI1NTFmOjB4YjQ0NDAxNjQ1NzA0M2JmYxnhnGxeMF5HQCGl3xnIjiFXwCoxQ291bnR5IFJvYWQgMTE0LCBDbG9xdWV0LCBDYXJsdG9uLCBNaW5uZXNvdGEsIFVTQRgBIAEiJgokCRYR6lv2VUdAESzGTJ5sTkdAGR1Wx6G6IFfAIU-4bI9mJFfA