Mapping your PLN

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Ivan Chow (@chowivan)

Number of views: 275

I am currently working full-time as an instructional designer while continuing to teach French grammar part-time. As an instructional designer, my professional foci are educational technology, and pedagogical theory and teaching practices. These foci connect me with different people and professional groups, with some overlapping between the two. I have been teaching French grammar for a long time and have decided to keep doing it for two reasons. 1) I’m not a native French speaker. If I stop using it, I lose it. 2) My work as an instructor and instructional design are interconnected and help me do my work better. As an instructional designer, I read a lot about pedagogical theories, but being an instructor gives me the chance to test things out. Speaking from my own experience gives me more credibility when I advise other instructors on how to design courses/implement teaching practices. On the other hand, learning about the latest trends in educational technology and pedagogical theories makes me a better instructor.