
A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Ryan Walmsley (@rwalmsley)

Number of views: 169

As a writing & communications prof, I found that many students obsessed over writing a perfect paragraph the first time, often burning time trying to find the perfect way to start or using digital tools to avoid learning the skills. Conceptually, it’s much better (after outlining first) to get the ideas down satisfactorily, and then return to edit, and then get meaningful feedback in order to learn. I eventually incorporated this meta understanding more explicitly in the taught content, referring to the need to make mistakes as part of the process. As analogies, I incorporated well-known prototyping events such as the early SpaceX failures

SpaceX explosion

and the Marshmallow Challenge (https://www.marshmallowchallenge.com/) to underscore the folly of attempting a perfect effort on the very first undertaking.

Example for "Misunderstood":