Misunderstood activity – Analogy

A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Lauren Cripps (@LCripps)

Number of views: 163

The undergraduate level courses I teach primarily focus on mental health for teachers. I have come to discover that many of our teacher candidates are unfamiliar with concepts of mental health in the context of learning and the implications of mental health in the classroom. I begin each of my MH courses addressing the different between mental health and mental illness and the concept of the mental health continuum, whether our course is focused on teacher mental health or student mental health, I am consistently reminding my students about the need to put your own oxygen mask on first, before you assist your neighbour. I have found this analogy works really well with students when it comes to understanding the connection between teacher and student wellness. As leaders, we need to practice self care, in order to be able to effectively support others, but this concept also extends beyond the four walls of the classroom and creates space for students to embrace the mental health continuum four square.