Misunderstood Activity – Project Management vs. Building a House

A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Brian Smith (@brian.smith)

Number of views: 187

The concept for my Misunderstood activity is project management elements. Namely to illustrate the importance of a Business Case, Project Charter and Statement of Work. The analogy to help illustrate is building a house and the components used in that field. The compared elements will be Design, Blueprints, Task List.

The premise is an introductory Project Management course for General Contractors.

An often misunderstood component of Project Management are the roles of Business Case, Project Charter and Statement of Work. This course is an introduction to Project Management for General Contractors so we will use a familiar analogy – building a house to illustrate the role of these elements in a project.

You are familiar with a design, set or blueprints and task list. Let’s compare these to a business case, project charter and statement of work.

Example for "Misunderstood Activity – Project Management vs. Building a House":