My Personal Learning Network

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Shauna Roch (@sroch)

Number of views: 466

I found this activity challenging, but valuable. Through the process of building my map, I realized just how many connections I have in my network. It was challenging trying to find a way to accurately portray my network in way that made sense.  I started with adding specific people, and realized quickly that my map was becoming very convoluted. So my completed map takes a bird’s eye view approach which has helped me to understand where the linkages are, and where I can focus more attention on cultivation. Most nodes represent two way communication, but in some areas it is more one-sided. For instance, I definitely play more of an observer, or learner role in my use of social media. I like to follow others and learn, but I don’t share as often. There is an opportunity here for me to further develop in this area. As well, it is interesting to see how much I rely on email for networking and collaboration.