Networks – yup, it is messy

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Julie White (@JulieSLC)

Number of views: 359

I figured it may be easiest to tackle this assignment in Powerpoint, as I am most familiar with that format. I probably should have tried one of the other mapping tools, as this got really ugly – and fast. I chose to look at my Professional Learning Network related to program review/design, particularly as we’re looking at making some significant shifts in our program to meet the needs of the post-pandemic world. There are many different people who I rely upon in order to help position our program for the future. While we absolutely need the vision of our industry representatives, I find a group the is often overlooked but who is important in my learning is my current students. They are shaping culture of the future and we all (education, industry, etc.) needs to listen to them as well. It is important to note the importance of specialists in my network as well, as I know a little about a lot of things, but they are able to inject that expertise that is needed to make our entire network stronger.