Nuggets – Chew on This !

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Jennifer Lee (@jslee)

Number of views: 176

The patch that really resonated with me was Patch 17 – We Have to Go Deeper by Joanna Hodge and Laura Gibson.

Initailly it grabbed me because it mentioned helping students gain deeper understanding through the use of UDL, but as I read further, what really grabbed me, was with regard to helping students to truly understand and not to just memorize information.   I have always made an effort to help make my lessons and assignments very practical to provide that deeper understanding, so found it very affirming to read this patch.  My best “aha” moment for my own deeper understanding however came with the explanatory chart based on the discussed example project, which was included with the article.  It looked at WHY finding assignments that reinforce concepts and allow students to do their own learning in their own way was more effective than simply providing the information for future regurgitation!  The nugget is self-directed, inquiry guided learning which aligns with the principles of UDL by “providing multiple means”.

Chew on that !

 Before  several lectures to impart information After – creation of reference manual for learning
§  teacher/content-oriented §  student/learning-oriented
§  Course material being provided to student, student is passive in process §  Student engaged in active process of finding, collecting, gathering, critiquing course material
§  Surface learning – students had to learn then demonstrate factual knowledge §  Deep learning – students have to demonstrate deeper level of understanding and application
§  Students were dependent on teacher to deliver information – power and locus of control lies with the teacher §  Self-directed learning -locus of control is within the learner and emphasis is on independence and learner confidence
§  Individually responsible to understand what the teacher is lecturing about §  Collaborative learning – capitalizing on learner strengths in collaborative process
§  Students are taught about the results of other’s investigations and findings of course-related questions and problems §  Inquiry-guided learning –  promotes student learning through guided and, increasingly, independent investigation of questions and problems
§  Provided only one means of engagement, representation, action and expression §  Assessment aligned nicely with UDL guidelines by providing multiple means

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