Organizing posts

A response to the Activity
created by Lisa Koster (@lkoster)

Number of views: 577


Since I had used WordPress in the past, I was very familiar with the use of categories.   I used the categories to create the menu of topics – so each page showed the posts relating to that category (instead of typing in, visitors could click on the link in the menu and get the same thing).

Setting the slug to something I would prefer was something new for me. I never paid attention to it – just thought WordPress did it automatically and wasn’t sure how to change it.

Domain camp has really taught me alot about what can be done when you have your own domain.  I need to take some time and think about what I will use it for and how to organize it so I keep it up.

I also need to consolidate what I have done in the past with everything we are doing here. I know we can export wordpress site – but what if you want to merge two sites?  Is there a way to do that?

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