Patch 14

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Valerie McQueen (@Vmcqueen)

Number of views: 191

The patch that resonated with me is Patch 14.

The patch discusses The Feedback Loop de Loop.  I’ve recently started taking an online course in D2L.  When waiting all week for feedback on my assignments I appreciated more the position the students are in when they hand theirs in.

The specific text that resonated with me was the tips:

  • provide more detail or even the correct answer to help a student ‘fix’ the problem; e.g., up the game with answer keys
  • be specific; e.g., what is meant by ‘confusing’? what does a question mark mean???
  • feedback should be timely (a one-week turnaround is generally preferred)
  • write more on the assignment, versus using a rubric
  • no red ink!
  • point out strengths (e., students like a pat-on-the-back)





Example for "Patch 14":