Patch 19: Be Kind Online

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Heather Somerville (@hsomerville)

Number of views: 218

The quote from this patch that resonated with me was simple but it was: A strategy that really changed the tone of my online courses is a 1-1 video or audio call with each student, very early in the semester.

This allowed me to reflect on years I spent during the pandemic teaching online and never taking the time to get to know all my students better. I often, under a guise of privacy or college regulations, didn’t force my students to use cameras in online meetings. I realize now the impact that this would have had in rapport building and fostering a better learning environment for my students, some who I will never meet. I realize that this isn’t always realistic, but it reaffirms the importance of those conversation both in and out of the classroom. Checking in with my students, saying hi in the hallway, and inquiring about their learning early on will make all the difference. Following a quote that goes something like, “They don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”