Patch 29 – Small Win Parties

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by anh lam (@anhlam)

Number of views: 160

From Patch 29 MY 25¢ Worth for instructional designers: “Small win parties – okay maybe a party for one, but it’s important to do a quiet victory dance every time one of your ideas comes to fruition, especially if you had to go to the mat for it.”

We all juggle multiple projects on a regular basis, at home or at work. Oftentimes, when things are completed, we simply move on to the next task. I confess that I am this type of person – constantly on-the-go. It is important to find time to celebrate wins, successes, and accomplishments.  Although the project is completed, we need to share the appreciation and gratitude for working together. It can also be a time to pause and reflect on the journey, and get feedback. In the long run this helps improve rapport with colleagues, motivates your team, and creates or improves trust. If you are a fan of The Office, think of all those parties they had at Dunder Mifflin and the relationships that developed and grew.

The Office GIF