Patch 6 – Whatcha Thinking About – Carolyn Nesbitt-Larking

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Carolyn Nesbitt-Larking (@Carolyn)

Number of views: 162

The title alone connects with me. I’m always wondering what people are thinking, and it happens in the classroom as well. I always try to find ways to get students to share “whatcha thinking” knowing full well this doesn’t always happen, except perhaps, in those small group discussions we do, but even then, who knows if they’re really sharing what they think.

There is a part of me that knows students often want to hide what they really think and just give what they think “the professor” wants to hear. That’s really sad to me, because it means students still haven’t yet developed their own critical thinking and agency to the world around them. Or, it could also be they don’t have any particular thoughts and not that bothered beyond the superficial.

I think part of the issue is we are living in a time right now where “thinking” or “thinking differently from someone else” leads to friction that no one really wants to be involved in so we tend to keep our thoughts to ourselves. But if academic institutions are really suppose to be those safe spaces where students can fully engage with material, and find out more about themselves as they engage with the material, then it is worth continuing to find openings at various levels where students feel confident with no only sharing what they are thinking, but also using knowledge to feel more confident in doing so.


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