Patch Twenty-Two: Dibaabiiginan– Measure It

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Lori Strauss (@lstrauss)

Number of views: 477

I was inspired by patch 22

Patch Twenty-Two: Dibaabiiginan– Measure It

In the patch the author identified a quote from the elder: “You are exactly where you are meant to be, you have learned exactly what you needed to learn, and you were fortunate to hear exactly what you were meant to hear.”  The author goes on to conclude; “We all learn, hear, and experience what we need to at any given moment.  What’s really important is that we can always identify “What we learned, and how we are going to use it.”

My take away is that each student will be walking away from my class with learning, and it is what they need to learn in that moment, some of it may be the basics of the concept and some of it will be the deeper learning some of it may be that they should have done their prep. My role is to give them an opportunity to identify what they learned, and an avenue to consider how they will apply it and celebrate and value that learning.