Patch two: Adjusting instruction during a lesson

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Paola Ostinelli (@postinel)

Number of views: 203

This passage sums up how to teach on the fly and adjust in the moment. Having all this information and starting where the students are at helps me adjust. I always over-plan and include too many activities – more than what I have time for. Being able to gauge where students are individually and in small groups allows me to pause and reflect in action, adjusting the content. I used to stress over not covering everything, but over the years I’ve found that when discussions take place, they are usually more meaningful than an activity I had planned. Students are able to build on their learning and make meaning in a way that makes sense for them; they learn more from each other than from a reading of class content.

Example for "Patch two: Adjusting instruction during a lesson":

One Response to “Patch two: Adjusting instruction during a lesson”

  1. Alissa Bigelow

    This is a great image! I’ve never come across it but it really packs a powerful message. Thank you for sharing it with us here!
