PLN Mapping

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Radica Bissoondial (@rbissoondial)

Number of views: 200

The beginning of this module was very reflective for me. The reflection came from conducting an audit of my collaboration in guiding my role within the program I am affiliated with in developing community applied research/projects. Historically, I am not an avid social media user (professional or personal). A LinkedIn account was created almost a decade ago and lacks updating. Upon creating a Twitter account, I followed some of the key stakeholders within my wheel of practice. However, the biggest reflection was mapping my PLN – and realizing that most of this comes from maintaining currency with the industry. The attached PLN map is very broad in categories and each have several content within that enhances my collaboration but allows me to transfer the outcomes to my learners. This collaboration is not static but fluid and flexible – just as the industry I am primarily associated with – healthcare.

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