Rethink your entire course – Just Like The Agora

A response to the Private: Just Like The Agora Activity
created by Heather Melo (@Heather)

Number of views: 252

I decided to complete the rethink your entire course activity. I love the opportunity to reimagine courses! Many of the courses I have taught have had outdated information available for student resources. The use of outdated information limits both their engagement and potential for relevant learning.

The activity allowed me to rethink how I share course content with students. I reviewed some of the learning outcomes from a Volunteer Management course that I have taught in past. With the integrated use of accessible online quizzes and support from field practitioners, I was able to think about the integration of two new ways of sharing information with students with the hope of increasing student engagement and comprehension. The use of these online tools will support students in the field.