The Filmmaking Process

A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Phillip McGregor (@PMcGregor)

Number of views: 183

In film school, it is always stated that the filmmaking process is complicated and has several steps. But the nature of those steps, and what a student filmmaker will actually experience is difficult to convey.

So, I like to use the following analogy:

Filmmaking is like assembling a puzzle where all the pieces are blank. You have the picture on the box to follow, but you have colour in each piece individually. When you are done colouring in all the pieces, you assemble them to match the picture on the box. Then you discover they do not fit exactly. There may be pieces missing or that you forgot about; some are not done because you ran out of time; or maybe you have unnecessary or duplicate pieces.

Fit the pieces together the best you can. The result may be just like the picture on the box, or it could be something entirely different. Regardless, it will be something others will enjoy, and you may like it better than the original idea.

The picture on the box: The story or script for the film

Colouring in the pieces: The actual shooting of the film

Fitting the pieces together: Editing the final film

Example for "The Filmmaking Process":