Thought Vector & Nugget: Just Listen

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Carrie Ginou (@carrie.ginou)

Number of views: 109

Patch 21: Just Listen

“There is an old teaching cliché that goes “Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” that is stupid and trite and overdone and, in my experience, totally true. That single discipline of knowing my students’ names created so many bridges and gave me credibility I might not otherwise have achieved.”

In my teaching practice over the last few years I have tried hard to listen more and talk less. The urge to talk, once given a stage and a topic that I am passionate about is strong, however, I believe that a dialogue is more helpful. I really appreciate feedback from students and love it when they ask questions or make suggestions that lead to better teaching and learning outcomes. In future, I would like to improve my teaching and assessment methods so that there is more time for students to talk, and more time for me to actively listen.

In relation to the quote above, I also believe that things like learning students’ names, holding the classroom door, welcoming students, and taking part in their activities, sends a message that they are seen, included, and have a voice. I have had a lot of past learners say that they noticed that I really cared about them which definitely makes it worthwhile. With the increase in remote learning, I am still struggling with how to make these types of connections genuine and possible when not seeing students in person.


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