Thought Vectors and Nuggets

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Rena Gandham (@rgandham)

Number of views: 141

Patch Twenty-One: Just Listen

“Listening to students means not only recognizing when they do or don’t understand, but recognizing when an explanation or a method isn’t working and you might just need to start over, or recognizing when a more fundamental idea isn’t understood and you need to backtrack. If it’s necessary, do it. Blow up your plans and reset midterms if that’s necessary to allow your students to claim a win. If you know that the trust is there, ask your students for suggestions on how you can shift – and, if you ask, listen and follow through on their requests”.


Listening to students and being aware of what is working and not working is critical for student engagement and positive class experience. If the learning is not occurring and students are requesting to revisit a lesson, then it is imperative to listen and change the classroom lesson to ensure learning occurs. Teaching Human Resources Management to students whose profession will not be in human resources can be challenging. Some students don’t realize the importance of certain part of the course.  Students need to feel heard, and their challenges/inquiries must be addressed with examples, real life scenarios, and further explanation on how the learning will be useful in their career. Students need to feel their feedback is important to the educator for positive learning outcomes.

Example for "Thought Vectors and Nuggets":