Thought Vectors and Nuggets Assignment

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Ani Amirmooradian Malhami (@Ani)

Number of views: 191

I found this extract from Patch Twenty-Six – The Secret Ingredients of Mentoring that resonates with me.

“Mentoring doesn’t just end when the course is over. However, we can only hope that our learning facilitators find their ruby slippers and realize that the power ultimately resides within themself. Who knows, perhaps along the way together we can even help our students find their ruby slippers as well. As Dorothy reminds us: ‘Never give up, Ojo… No one knows what’s going to happen next.’”

The paragraph speaks to me. As a teacher, my mantra is I will do everything in my power to ensure the success of my students. However, it saddens me to see that some of my students give up before they start, or lose their stamina somewhere in the middle of the semester. Often, I see signs of hopelessness and despair in their eyes; at times, they report to me that it is very hard for them, and they simply cannot learn. I see repeatedly that they lack the necessary self-confidence and resilience to pursue their dreams. I explain to them that we are born with an innate ability to learn, and they can succeed in not only my course and other courses but also in their life in general as long as they do not give up and put in their utmost effort. That they should not lose hope if they want to achieve something as what it takes to achieve their dream is already within them.