Thought Vectors

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Michelle Laurence (@Michelle Laurence)

Number of views: 132

Patch 16: Lost and found course designs that map it out spoke to me. I worry about details of a plan, but forget about alternate roots (which is ironic because I preach that to my students all the time). I was curious to read about how others make their way through course design process. I did find this nugget: as an instructor “It’s incumbent on me, as the master planner, to integrate wayfinding strategies and apply universal design for learning principles (UDL) so students can easily navigate through the lessons, traverse the terrain of learning and realize that their destinations are achievable.”
It call all be built in to the course design mostly importantly to make the learning space feel safe, empowering and instill lifelong skills outside of the course content. Just like when you walk into a hospital under duress, you should be quickly reassured when you find the wayfinding information leads you exactly where you need to be to get better.

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