Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool

A response to the Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool Activity
created by Ivan Chow (@chowivan)

Number of views: 256

For this activity, I created a flowchart using Mindmup to help explain how to select the right French preposition of place (préposition de lieu) to form grammatical sentences. The SECTIONS model helped me examine different aspects of using Mindmup and provides me with concrete evidence that I have made the right choice. It helps translate abstract grammatical concepts into a 2-dimensional flowchart with organized steps, questions and actionable decisions.

Enter your “Students” response:

  1. Yes, MindMup is a web tool and students can access it using their browser.
    2. In this case, all students need is internet connection provided by the institution. Students can access MindMup on their own laptops or using a computer in the library.
    3. Yes, MindMup is a web tool and therefore available where there is an internet connection.
    4. Student will not be expected to purchase the technology. I create the image on MindMup and I can share the link or a screenshot of the image with them.

Enter your “Ease of Use” response

  1. I find it very intuitive to create a flowchart on MindMup using the create node, parent/sister node and delete node buttons.
    2. Since it is a web tool, I find it quite reliable and accessible.
    3. Yes. As long as the web tool’s server/website is online, students can access the tool.
    4. There is a “help” button with articles explaining how the different buttons work. The mapping of ideas is quite self-explanatory.

Enter your “Cost” response

  1. Yes. I can show students how to create the follow chart quite easily using the create nodes, create parent/sister nodes/ delete nodes buttons.
    2. Yes. For example, OUCI (Online University Course Initiative).
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes. I found a few open source French grammar components in the Open Library at ECampusOntario.

Your Teaching and Pedagogical Considerations response:

  1. Yes. It helps students form grammatical sentences by selecting the correct preposition of place (préposition de lieu).
    2. MindMup helps translate grammar into a tangible thought process consisting of relevant questions and actionable answer choices. It turns the concept of grammar into something visual and interactive.

Your “Interaction” response:

  1. Definitely! MindMup helps me explain grammar as an organized sequence of decisions based on information gathered by asking relevant questions.
    2. Using MindMup helps me explain the grammar subject much more effectively, thereby allowing extra time for practice exercises.

Your “Organisational Issues” response:

  1. Librarians and educational technology specialists are available for consultation. I have been working closely with them for many years and find the experience to be tremendously valuable.
    2. Not that I know of. But this inspired me to discuss this possibility with the chair of my Department.
    3. I follow technologies, practices and procedures closely. Additionally, I am arguably more open to trying new technology than a lot of my colleagues.

Your “Networking” response:

  1. To help me improve as a teacher, I find it tremendously important to communicate with fellow instructors as well as working closely with instructional developers.
    2. In the case of using MindMup to map thought processes in French grammar, I find it easy to share my flowcharts by posting links to social media.

Your Security and Privacy response:

1. I follow my institutional guides closely by keep all student information on the LMS only.
2. For example, at the University of Toronto, we are encouraged to host lecture videos in the library’s server rather than posting them on YouTube or Vimeo. This helps protect the copyright of the video creators and limit access to U of T students.
3. As mentioned above, at U of Toronto, instructors host their lecture videos on the library server instead of posing them on YouTube/Vimeo. This he

Example for "Using the SECTIONS Model to Evaluate a Tool":