Experimenter Reflection

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Maria Romios (@MariaR)

Number of views: 356

The three experimenter activities I chose to complete were ‘Padlet Padlet’, ‘Information as a Graphic’, and ‘A Serious Use For Silly Media’. I chose the Padlet activity because I am familiar with Padlet and wanted to experiment and use it more in tutorial. I chose the Infographic and GIPHY activities because during the other modules, I enjoyed and got more comfortable with using images.

The lesson I learned from the Padlet activity is to try to present resources more aesthetically and collaboratively. This will hopefully result in more active engagement in and out of the classroom. The lesson I learned from the GIPHY activity is to try to present information in a fun and silly way, but also that using my cell phone to complete this is actually much more challenging than I thought. I definitely prefer using my computer and it makes me empathize more with students who do not have access to a computer. The lesson I learned from the Infographic activity is that the colour scheme of the image can make adding words challenging. Also that Canva.com does not have very many musical templates and therefor I had to a find royalty free image to put my information on instead. I would like to use what I learned from these activities going forward in my teaching practice by incorporating more visual images in the virtual classroom. For example, when helping students understand difficult terms/vocabulary, or as ice breakers for the beginning of class. I think images are a simple way to add more detail and a deeper level of understanding of ideas. 

The activity I completed on a smartphone was the GIPHY activity. The advantages of doing this activity on my iPhone were convenience and portability. The disadvantage was that I could not type or create the image as fast as I would be able to on my laptop. I think an activity like Padlet might’ve been easier to complete on the iPhone, depending on the detail of response. For instance, if I asked everyone to think of one musical example and post the link to it on Padlet; copy and pasting a link is much easier to do than creating/editing an image.

When designing learning experiences in the future, I will use technologies like Padlet, GIPHY and infographics, which I experimented with in the Experimenter Module on Ontario Extend. 

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