Medical Science Glucose Syce Image

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Rebecca Sullivan (@rsulli4)

Number of views: 264

Luuis12321, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The image I chose is an illustration of a scientific pathway of glucose and insulin secretion that is incorporated in all cells. This would be a main concept that all medical science students would need to comprehend. In this activity, I went to use the creative commons search for the illustration and had to rephrase my image search terms to better target my image of choice. I realized that for these search terms I needed to be more vague as specifics tended to lead to incorrect and irrelevant images. Due to the use of a medical science image, there was not much of an area that can incorporate inclusion and diversity with this type of image.

One Response to “Medical Science Glucose Syce Image”

  1. Alissa Bigelow

    This is an interesting point you’ve made here. Often times we’re trying to limit our searches and be specific in order to return desired results as efficiently as possible, but in your field, there is so much information about any given topic that broadening the search is better for you to find what you need. Thanks for sharing this situation. I will be sure to note this in our upcoming sessions around curation!


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