Increase experiential learning in a Case Management Class (Social Services)

A response to the Outline Your SoTL Plan Activity
created by Jennifer Abrams (@jabrams)

Number of views: 119

The full Google Doc is attached.

How can industry tools and role play heighten experiential learning of case management  processes in social service work? 

   Case Management is a process that has some standard features but varies in sectors and agencies. What is common are the key processes (intake, assessment, monitoring and case notes). What is also common in practice is the use of database software for all these processes. 

 For many years, students have had the opportunity to see samples of forms and processes and practice in small groups. There are a few limitations to this. The first is that the paper process has predominantly given way to form filling in software. We currently do not have a system to mimic this software. Secondly, when students are in small cohorts, they know each other well and the role plays can lose some sense of discovery or curiosity. 

I would like to investigate the application of an industry standard tool in practice and assessment.

(See Google Doc for the full outline)

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