I’m an Experimenter!

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Ishank Chopra (@ishankchopra)

Number of views: 97


I am an experimenter!

The role of technology in education is changing very fast, and it is becoming increasingly significant to use new and varied types of tools to create a more engaging educational experience for learners. Not only does technology improves ease of access, but also helps promote active learning, which is crucial for effective learning.

From the collection of 10 tools in this module, there were some I have used in the past, so keeping up with the intentions of this module, I chose three brand new tools I have not used before.

The first tool I used was Padlet. This is an online discussion board that is interactive by design. The topic for the discussion is Book Exchange. Please feel free to let me know.


The Second tool I used was Quizlet. This online active learning activity directory has various options like Quizzes, flashcards, etc. The best part is that it has a short learning curve, and I liked the predictive text that popped up to assist in compiling the activity.

You can find it here-


The third tool I used was Giphy.

GIFs are everywhere, from memes to recipe websites to educational content, as they can help engage user attention very quickly and are fun to use. I have never used a GIF creation website before, so I immediately wanted to try this activity.

Here is a link to my first GIF-


Feel free to use it if you would like.

Overall, I enjoyed doing all these activities. I believe in using technology to deliver effective learning and would use more of these in my future courses. Keeping up with the spirit of this module, I will experiment with new tools rather than using the same few tools like YouTube, Simple Discussions, etc.

Thanks for reading.

Best Regards

Ishank Chopra

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