3 Keys to SoTL
Here is my response as posted in the Google Doc:
3 Keys to SoTL
- As mentioned by the first three or four speakers, SoTL is a systematic inquiry into teaching and learning
- Gary Poole’s idea about who is doing the work. With SoTL, the group involved grows. This can increase the impact of the work.
- Nancy Chick’s idea about the researcher using familiar methods rather than only those that suit the question. This is contested and can lead to “amateur” SoTL.
- Make my teaching public. This includes both the teaching and learning activities, but also the behind the scenes development work and thinking.
- Responding to unique students each time I teach.
- Building a community that values SoTL and scholarly teaching at my institution.
NOTE: A screenshot of text is not an accessible way to share.
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