Your Metaphor

A response to the Your Metaphor Activity
created by Victoria Jackson (@victoriaj)

Number of views: 76

I chose the metaphor of a guide to encompass the way I see my teaching.

I am there to show you some key pieces, the neat spots to look for new things, and to give you a bit of a grounding – then its up to you. A good guide will answer questions from their audience, try to tailor the experience to the interests of the participants while also showing the key bits and pieces. As an instructor, I want to instill curiosity. I may show you were you can find more information, help you navigate your assignments, your research, your sources, etc, but in the end its up to you.

As the image, I selected “FL Trail Guide” by vastateparksstaff as my image; its just a set of signage, pointing out key places and how to find them. The trail is yours to walk though, and you’re bound to find things that aren’t represented on those signs!

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