Doorways to Learning

A response to the Your Metaphor Activity
created by Kymberly Ash (@kash)

Number of views: 122

I spend a lot of time talking about (and thinking about) threshold concepts in relation to the knowledge and skills I teach. I relate a lot to the idea of leading learners to a doorway that shares a new way of thinking about information. It could be the idea that information has value. This value could be as a commodity with monetary value or influence, but also in terms of having access to information to feel that you are a part of the global community, access to information for education, and so on. One aspect of this concept could be recognizing how a lack of access or issues with access can impact society and tends to impact some more than others. This knowledge opens a doorway where learners can start to consider how fair the information landscape is, where they might want to publish their own information, and understand how information has different value to different communities. Some information might even be closed off to them for cultural or other reasons.

I also really connect strongly to the idea that once you go through a particular doorway, it is hard to go back. You’ve learned something new that has changed how you view the world and will continue forward through more doorways for continued learning.

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