It’s alive! EAQ

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 79

I wanted to increase engagement in the classroom, but also find something that can help me to see where the learners’ gaps are so I can go back and review with them. I also wanted a tool that could create questions in formats the students will see in their registration exam. We can create some of them in our BB space. However, it is time consuming and we are not able to create all the different types of questions. This tool provides the questions in a very similar format to what they will see on their registration exam.

The process of empathizing with my students helped me to identify the challenges and really see how committed they are to their success. Additionally, test anxiety is a large concern overall in our program and anything we can do to help prepare them will assist in reducing their anxiety.

I think I am doing some of this incorrect – as I have gone ahead and used the tool in the classroom already with some good success and I spoke about this in the design posting. However, the tool does not really fit with the prototype planning, so for that I decided I would focus on a different problem and would create a video to explain how to use a critical thinking tool I encourage them to use.

I have shared a screenshot of the online quizzing tool I have used. I have created practice quizzes for use in the classroom and I have produced practice quizzes for them to use at home. I have also reviewed with them how they can create their own practice quizzes. (That also would be a good video to make 😊 )

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