UDL explorer: Create an activity that builds community in the class

A response to the Challenge set Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 132

I plan to do a “snowball toss” on the first day. I will ask students to write down what they are most excited about with the cross cultural elective on one paper, scrunch it up and throw it in the air. On another piece of paper (I think I will use a different color) I will ask them to write down what worries or concerns them the most about travelling to Tanzania, scrunch it up and throw it in the air. On the last paper I will ask them to write down one thing they hope to learn, scrunch it up and throw it in the air.

Once this has been done students can throw these up in the air, and then can go and choose a paper of each color and we will do a round circle and they can read off what is written on their classmates paper. This will provide some security to express fears or concerns without being singled out.

I have used this similar activity in the past and had them put their comment in a ballon, blow it up and throw it around the room. I did this for severalk years until  I had a student suffereing form PTSD, who did not react well to all the balloons popping.


P.S. this is my last activity in this series – I tried to use quizlet and it wanted me to enter my credit card info even though it is a 30 day trial – I am not comfortabel doing that. Figure I probably chose the wrong version but went back over it a few times.

Example for "UDL explorer: Create an activity that builds community in the class":

Challenge 2: Create an Activity that Builds Community in Your Class 

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