Cornell Notes: Black or White Hat?

A response to the Cornell Notes Activity
created by Connie Palmer (@ConniePalmer)

Number of views: 368

It was interesting to watch the video on how to take Cornell notes. While I did not use the “I” on the page method to divide my pages, I learned from a lawyer to take the main notes in the middle of the page and leave a substantial column on the left side of the page for my own summary notes or questions to be asked at a later time. In addition, I have always used at least one other coloured pen to note key takeaways or acronyms. I have been using pieces and parts of Cornell notes for years in both school and at work without even knowing it.

I decided to apply the Cornell note taking activity to a Ted Talk by Alex Gendler titled “Can You Solve the Prisoner Hat Riddle”. I can see how the Cornell note taking activity would very much prepare a student for upcoming quizzes. It can also be applied in the workplace as many of us have to attend countless meetings and training sessions. The ability to look back on our notes and find the key takeaways and read the summary would make us more efficient in our jobs. This is a great lesson to share with our students.


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