Find Your Fit

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Baljeet Bilkhu (@bbilkhu)

Number of views: 379

For completing this activity, I have found the following three OERs were beneficial to my area of software development / testing:

  1. Book on “Information Systems” by Richard T. Watson, available at: – this would help learners to learn some of the basic concepts in Information Technology and is a good reference for such.
  2. Video on “Testing and Debugging” by Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag, available at: – This is a really great resource for students getting into software testing and debugging and to get more terminology around this area.
  3. “Software Development Process” by Georgia Tech, available at:–ud805 – this is a more advanced look at the processes around software development, something that I’ve used in the past for those really motivated students who wanted to get more information and resources.




Example for "Find Your Fit":