WITFM-Organization Theory and Design

A response to the WIIFM Activity
created by Anahita Khazaei (@Ana)

Number of views: 305

This is a third-year course and at this point students are really focused on learning skills that prepare them for the job market. To highlight the value of learning the concepts and theories taught in this course, I ask students to imagine themselves in any of the following roles:

  • Working in for an organization (current/past experiences) 
  • Founding and managing a small business (Future aspiration)
  • Helping companies as business consultant (Future aspiration)
  • Working in the planning department of an organization (Future aspiration)

Then we have a class discussion on how learning the topics can help them succeed.

I also include reflective questions in assignments that ask students to reflect on how learning particular skills can be beneficial in their personal and professional life.

Example for "WITFM-Organization Theory and Design":