Ted Talk Exercise

A response to the Cornell Notes Activity
created by KristineW (@KristineW)

Number of views: 207

As my handwriting is so poor, I opted to create a google docs template for this activity.


Ted Talk Exercise, Kristine Weglarz, Jan 26, 2021


“A fascinating time capsule of human feelings toward AI” 

Main Ideas, Key Points, Etc.:


-study done of 1200 Americans reveals low levels of comfort with AI

-some chores ok, less so services and less so care

-many do not recognize they already use AI in their homes

-Generational differences and gender differences between AI comfort (Men more comfortable, younger people more comfortable)

-those more comfortable with AI think that the robots win over humans in the end


-Collective consciousness of oldest and youngest viewers (14 to 99) spans 185 years, a short period of time

-consider this in relation to long span of time on planet

-study of 1200 Americans asked questions about robotics and AI, technology adoption

-brainstormed AI robotics scenarios current and potential

-list of jobs from housecleaner to doctor

-asked people’s comfort levels with these scenarios

-results showed Americans very uncomfortable with this idea across all jobs/roles

-Americans majority ok with robot house cleaner and robot package deliverer

-Americans more comfortable with offloading chores to AI, less so with services (lawyer, financial advisor), closed to idea of AI care doctors, child care, nurses)

-concludes AI has a branding problem

-Americans rejected idea of AI personal assistant but already had something like Alexa, Google, Siri, etc. on devices used

-Many rejected AI matchmaking but had used online dating

-Hostile to AI pilots but had flown commercial already

-neutral AI roles: friend, pet

-Men more likely to believe getting in autonomous car is good idea or becoming cyborg

-higher male percentage of men among millennials

-we already have devices with voice activated assistants in home

-extrapolating from generational data, 8 generations away (2222) from everyone saying AI is normal in these roles, excitement with AI increases with each subsequent gen from Silent to Z

-those who are more likely to be excited about robotics are more likely to think the robots win in the end


-multigenerational survey reveals increasing levels of comfort with AI with younger generations, issues of perception as to what constitutes AI, low levels of comfort overall, least comfort with care, most comfort with chores.

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